Sunday, June 20, 2010

Blog Post 5

Comparing and Contrasting about the Good and Bad Aspect of Smart boards

I believe that Smart Boards can be very useful. The main thing I like about them is that they are a different way of delivering the lesson to the students, other than the teacher just standing up there saying take notes. They also are rather neat looking to me. I am a firm believer that a teacher can make any subject as interesting as they want to, and by using the smart board, I believe that this is an interesting tool to use.
Smart Boards can help a student to learn things more effectively by providing them with hands on knowledge. They create a learning environment for children of all types, concentrating on particular students learning styles. Smart Boards benefit the teachers because the notes that are written on the board can be saved every time, instead of the teacher having to rewrite notes.
There are a few bad things that come with Smart Boards also. One is they are very expensive. If one thing goes wrong with the Smart Board, it is very pricy to fix. Another bad thing about it is you always have to have a computer when using the Smart Board, which can be a hassel trying to carry everything around. The only way a Smart Board can not be a hassel is if every classroom is provided with a computer to hook the Smart Board to.
Here is a link that disagrees with the fact that Smart Boards are dumb,

Videos I would like to create would be videos such as, me showing my future students a video of me learning how to blog and the main benefits of blogging. Then it would be a video of showing them how to go out and find answers to questions, instead of the students just sitting back and waiting on someone who does know all the answers to tell them.


  1. Good work Samuel. Yes, smartboards and whiteboards are expensive and they do require a computer but the benefits can be enormous. As your counter information points out they are interactive, fun, accessible, and give a lot of colorful ways to get students involved. These tools are available and I think every classroom should have one. The best way for the price to go down is for the demand to go up! ss

  2. Yes I believe the same thing. I do hope that by the time I become a teacher that all schools will have them in every classroom.
