Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Blog Post 12

In Mr.Mclung's second year he talked about how he learned how to teach many more subjects. To me the thing that stuck out the most is where he said, "As a teacher, I want my students to be independent thinkers and to only lean on me when they feel like they have hit a barrier."


I mainly learned that this takes a lot of time away because you do not have to draw, cut, and fold, the machine will do it for you.

Fablab Model Maker

I learned that this is a very good video and a very good tool for engineers. Here is a link to their video. http://www.youtube.com/user/fablab4teachers#p/u/5/PS0slgM4ztY

Digital Fabrication

In this video I learned that the fablab can be used to make things such as tiny boxes or even tiny cartons to hold cards or tiny particles in. Here is a link to that video, http://www.youtube.com/user/fablab4teachers#p/u/19/n5SREQsXNIs.


I learned in this video that you can make a Rotunda by using the FabLab Printer.
here is a link to the video, http://www.youtube.com/user/fablab4teachers#p/u/23/i24SViOAofk.


In this video I learned that you can view the properties of shapes that you have already created in your fablab. Here is link http://www.youtube.com/user/fablab4teachers#p/u/33/HKJQrf1h85g

1 comment:

  1. While I think students should be independent thinkers I think we must challenge their thinking and be sure we are giving them direction. If they could figure it all out on their own, we would not need schools. SS
